I have been meaning to change my blog style – I don’t think I can…
I usually compose an elaborate information session, even though my intellect tells me to write a brief encounter with a new project. Because of this, I have shelved a number of ramblings in the last few months, instead of letting you know where I was at with the many projects… it’s been busy!!! If I were to be specific, I would tell you to check out Experiment-O Magazine issue 09 because Angel House Press's Amanda Earl invited me, along with my dear friend J.F. Martel, to create an illustrated poem, which we called WE SHALL SING OUR WEDNESDAYS, which is a text culled from an abandoned project, mixed with some of my illustrations from the last 20 years or so… I would tell you to anticipate True Patriot Presents #2, #3 and #4 because it features the three-part Dominion Jack ORIGIN… a short comics story called DOMINION JACK : MOB MENTALITY, which I drew, inked, colored, lettered and designed from an Eisner Award-nominated writer Jack Briglio script. We didn’t plan the name… Jack-Jack / Dominion-Dominic, it just happened that way. I am coming in off a beautiful interpretation by Ron Salas, and because it was impossible for me to replicate his approach, I leaned into my own superhero style. I had a blast, though I sort of wish I could have worked with inkers and colorists to speed up the process. Ah!!! Not to say I did a bad job – I’m very proud of these three 6-page vignettes, and it’s some of the most exciting comics I’ve ever done, and in full colour to boot!!! I would tell you to listen to brother Nicholas Bercier’s unofficial soundtrack for my 24 hour comic book LIKE NEVER BEFORE & LIKE NEVER AGAIN, which I drew in 24 hours almost exactly 10 years ago. But I like it when I can just say what’s up and make you wait for it… but you don’t have to wait for it anymore... It’s all starting to emerge and it ain’t gonna stop!!! Let’s wrap up 2016 at #MCSbooks, here… October 2016 : Nicholas Bercier’s LNBLNA Unofficial Soundtrack [mix] from Mirror Comics Studios. December 2016 : We Shall Sing our Wednesdays w/ J.F. Martel in Experiment-O Magazine from Angel House Press And let’s look forward to 2017… January / March / May 2017 : Dominion Jack [Mob Mentality] w/ Jack Briglio in True Patriot Presents from ChapterHouse Comics. I also have other things scheduled for the rest of the year but I can’t talk about them yet! Ah!!! Meanwhile you’ll just have to enjoy new material about every other month for the next year!!! So a few things are cemented and a few projects are in discussion, and, personally, it’s been a decent year, even though on the world stage things have been going from bad to worse, and we lost far too many icons this year [2016]. Strange how that happens. I hope 2017 turns around and we can all strive to be better… I’ll be rearranging the website a little over the next few days. Pleased don’t be surprised if things have moved. It’s going to be cool. To deal with too many titles in the LIBRARY submenu I decided to divide it by publisher. Please be patient as I set up the pages. What!? Gotta stop? Okay!! Bless you guys!! I’m out. –DB. Dominic Bercier, Ottawa, Canada, December 2016. PS : I also wrote on HOPE in One Thing Too hosted by Amanda Earl, here : http://amandaearl.blogspot.ca/2016/11/one-thing-too-dominic-bercier.html
AuthorThis is the blog of writer-artist-designer-author Dominic Bercier, MCS principal and founder. Archives
September 2020