Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, and All Human Beings…
Ten years ago, I was putting final touches on my first graphic novel, Ghost King: A Book of Changes, which had started in 2001. Released in 2011 along with a soundtrack by my brother – it became an indie hit when print editions saw the light of day in 2012, at the very first Ottawa Comiccon. Special thanks to my collaborators J.F. Martel and Kristopher Waddell, and Allan Isfan, without whom it would not have been possible. Followed four other graphic novels [and a children’s book] that I drew and sometimes wrote. Treadwell was nominated for two national awards. The Bird Caller made people think. Mission Arizona made us face our inner demons. Like Never Before & Like Never Again made us realize what is possible, what we can do, in 24 hours, if we really put our minds to it. This is PopTerra, the newly minted collection of classic editions of graphic novels at Mirror Comics, a publisher that was active from 2010 to 2015 under my leadership as president and publisher. Together with my collaborators and sometimes alone, I was able to build a small part of Canadian Comic Book History. Then I became a studio and all of that changed, in 2015… It should not have, but it did. I tried something new with Mirror Comics Studios. … The books were suddenly not available, overnight, and my non-fiction attempts jazzed some while it left others wondering when more comics would arrive at Mirror Comics ‘Studios,’ if any! I created a number of short works for Canadian Publishers and Artists that I’m really proud of but weren’t at Mirror. And I started talking about a saga. I worked, and still the pond of Canadian Comics was left serene and undisturbed. I had vanished!! Let’s be fair, that’s a trick in and of itself, but altogether not my long term dream at all. I want to make comics and graphic novels that shake the pillars of the Earth, that are memorable, that have amazing artwork and cool characters. I want to make people think about the nature of reality and time. I don’t want to be forgotten, a mere footnote in art history! I’m on the scene; people are just wondering… will he finally release his saga? And will I ever see the old books again? The answer is simple… yes. I’m finishing my saga this winter. SIGNAL Saga, starting with #1, will be available in 2019, as a book series you can add to your growing library! Yes. The archives will be opened. Enter The PopTerra Collection : Ghost King: A Book of Changes, Treadwell, The Bird Caller, Mission Arizona, Like Never Before & Like Never Again: A Graphic Novella in 24 Hours – all will be made available in their original pristine digital editions online. And SIGNAL Saga, new, will follow, with its own digital editions, and in print. Advertisement : For details, always refer to, though for all the news, you can follow our social channels or even sign up for the newsletter – which would make me so happy. I’ve been through a lot in the last few years. It was such an effort to draw SIGNAL, at first, and I worked so hard on comics that were published elsewhere and are available to you now, but they were not at Mirror, and somehow that always made me proud and sad at the same time. I also wrote some guides I thought would shed light on the mystery of art and comics, but, in the end, I just want to continue making books, and, publishing them, too. Yes, even promoting and selling them. Mirror Comics Studios is a mighty gift to have, and I hope its new shape gives you the urge to invest in the brand, one book or soundtrack at a time. First up is Ghost King: A Book of Changes Graphic Novel and Soundtrack by the Bercier Bros. Listen to it intently, read it out loud! We go to ancient Asia to discover the discord wracking the Middle Kingdom. Adventure waits in the brand new #MCSbooks! Better Comics. And Movies for your Mind… Check out Ghost King : A Book of Changes next week!! Dominic Bercier | Mirror Comics Studios author | artist | designer | principal | owner : #MCSBooks : [email protected] Site : | Facebook : @DominicBercier | Twitter : @DominicBercier Site : | Facebook : @mirrorcomics | Twitter : @mirrorcomics Site : | Facebook : @SIGNALsaga | Twitter : @SIGNALsaga
AuthorThis is the blog of writer-artist-designer-author Dominic Bercier, MCS principal and founder. Archives
September 2020