Dominic_00 : ZÉRO
Art Book and Creative Non-Fiction
by Dominic Bercier
GENRE : Art Book on Comics, Graphic Novels, Illustrations and Design
AGES : 13+
YEAR : 2O16
Publisher : Mirror Comics Studios
DESCRIPTION : ZÉRO is a non-definitive retrospective of the illustration, design and sequential art of Dominic Bercier, Mirror Comics Studios founder and principal.
Art Book and Creative Non-Fiction
by Dominic Bercier
GENRE : Art Book on Comics, Graphic Novels, Illustrations and Design
AGES : 13+
YEAR : 2O16
Publisher : Mirror Comics Studios
DESCRIPTION : ZÉRO is a non-definitive retrospective of the illustration, design and sequential art of Dominic Bercier, Mirror Comics Studios founder and principal.